Aparna Tulpule’s book on Logic, entitled Sense and Syllogism: Logic in Life, is a fantastic book within an academic and educational circle. However, for the regular readers or casual ones with no academic concerns or requirements, this is still a good book that will introduce them to the depths of logic – is logic that simple?

I began reading this book about a week ago and finished it today. I had to write this review and that’s why I read it in details and with careful attention – yes, mark my phrase – careful attention. That doubles the impact of the word attention. Well, the book is about 200 pages in length and it’s complicated in parts and very simple in parts as well. The author, Aparna, has simplified the idea of logic and things related to it – idea itself, idea of truth, idea of lies, idea of arguments, arguments with ideas, hypothesis, system of belief and so many things that we know in general but don’t know in depth. However, reading this book can make these things easy to understand.

For the students, this is like a good text-book at an elementary level. Even for the candidates who have to answer logical reasoning questions in their exams, this book can aptly help in their preparations. It strengthens the understanding of logic and hence, it enhances the logical thinking in any person who understands the concepts in this book.

Before reading this book, common sense about logic was known to me. However, let me be honest, whatever I knew was just the basic of the idea as vast as logic is. Aparna has done a great job in letting the casual readers a glimpse into her serious writing by keeping her language mostly non-technical and simplified. This will immensely help all those who just don’t like reading academic or intellectual books. However, there come the glimpses of mathematics going deeper into the chapters. That part, strictly, is for those who have an understanding of the higher level of mathematics. I pass on that!

Overall, this is a good book that will help the readers understand the logic in a sense that is broader than the commonly conceived idea of it. I do appreciate the attempt by Aparna Tulpule that she took this task as an author in the time when people pay attention to writing commercial fiction. You can read this book by getting a copy from Amazon:

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review by Sushil for BooksToRead book blog

Sense and Syllogism: Logic in Life
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A simplified introduction to academic logic… do you like it? You might be impressed with the ideas once you read the book…

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